Allow me to share with you my "morning ride checklist".
I created this due to my severe brain fog at 5 or 6am - when I can't remember what I need to take cycling and so I make 15,229 trips to the garage and back trying to gather the goods.
I've forgotten every single thing on this list before except my mobile phone (but I have taken it with very little charge and had it run out on me..)
So out of respect for my fellow early morning cyclists.. I'm sharing.
Laugh if you must but I have actually ridden off without it before. I’m not at my best at 5.30am!!! (I’m not at my worst either...!)
It’s no emergency to forget these until the weather drops under 15 degrees. Then you’ll be utterly miserable (if you’re a sook like me..)
I always have lip balm in my little top tube pouch and I use it every single time I ride. I find the wind and the cool air pick on my lips in particular. So now they’re guarded!
It’s really a no-brainer but I bet you’ve forgotten them from time to time. Eyes watering, bugs stuck in them…no fun. Bring some kind of eye-protection!
Safety, safety, safety. The majority of motorists are terrific and respectful…but they need to be able to see you! Never go out without your lights…it’s just not worth it.
Hmnnn…I’ve forgotten this before too. I was THIRSTY! Luckily it was an early morning ride and only 25ks but even still I usually finish a bottle even on short rides in the cold! And it’s the cold days where you’re more likely to forget about drinking. Drink, drink, drink! (Water that is…)(Well, while you're riding at least...)
Need I explain???
I’ve got mates who implore me to learn the “Bushy’s Blow” (you know the old occlude one nostril and expel the contents of the other all over the road – and potentially other cyclists trick??) But I just can’t bring myself to do it. So, if you’re one of them you can ignore Item 8, but if you’re not just grab a little something and tuck it into your back pocket.
#9 FOOD:
Food is a funny one. If you’re riding any longer than 90 minutes you really need to be re-fuelling as you ride. My go-to is a half a peanut butter sambo, a Carman’s muesli bar or a banana…or all three if riding for a few hours.
#10 PHONE:
For just in case and photos etc. etc. Helps if it’s charged…
Print it out, laminate it and stick it on your bathroom mirror. Not a great look..but definitely a great spot! To make this nice and simple, I have created a little checklist that you can download and cut out. Click on the image below, pop in your details and you can download it straight away.
Hope it helps simplify your day in some small way,
Kate xx
Are gloves a necessary part of your cycling apparel?? For so many reasons I say "yes"!
Sweat, warmth, skin protection, shock absorption and nose drips!
Gloves are definitely necessary...