April 04, 2019 3 min read


When first starting out in the cycling world things can feel a little intimidating, to say the least. Everybody appears to be in “uniform” and it all looks very expensive...and very expansive!

So what is it that you actually need??

The answer is simple.

None of it really...

Well, aside from a helmet, which is the law in many countries - including Australia.

Bikes will still move when you’re wearing thongs, jeans and a t-shirt!

But if you do want to have a good crack at this superb sport, you’ll be far more comfortable with some very basics at least.


Cycling Knicks - cycling knicks are stretchy, tight fitting pants (of varying lengths) made from spandex (or lycra) with an inbuilt chamois which provides extra padding for long periods in the saddle.

Initially I thought these too were a bit of a wank but having tried both ways I can absolutely vouch for their relevance and purpose. Trust me!

As with anything in this world, there are good knicks and bad knicks. My current faves and the ones I am wearing right now are DHB women’s winter knicks with braces (or bib). They were by no means the most expensive and they have served me well, considering their ghastly task. The chamois is well placed and not too bulky and I never find myself with the dreaded camel-toe. In terms of value for money, these guys are a winner.


Cycling gloves - Cycling gloves come in the fingerless or long-fingered variety and are specifically designed for cycling. They provide a non-slip, shock absorbing element to cycling which I find I can’t do without. In the heat they absorb sweat and in the winter they are an absolute must-have. (Do your research here!!)

The pads are strategically positioned to reduce the numbness and tingling that sometimes occurs as a result of pressure on the handle bars.


So if you’re new to cycling and you’re pretty sure that this is going to be your thing then start with a good pair of knicks and a good pair of gloves.


Most cyclists you see will also be wearing cycling tops or jerseys. These have handy pockets in the back to hold your phone, some food, a light rain jacket etc. etc... which all come in handy.

When I started out though, I just used to use a bum-bag (or fanny pack as our American friends would have it...). This is by no means an inadequate option.

As money doesn’t tend to grow on trees then you could wait a while before you purchasing a jersey. They are mostly designed for the racing cyclist...tight fitting lycra, providing an extra aerodynamic edge.

But if you’re like me and never likely to race then I’d suggest you opt for a looser fitting and more comfortable style jersey. Just as practical... and a little more flattering!


And after that comes cycling shoes, cycling glasses, jackets, base layers, shoe covers and the list goes on...and on!


Unless you’re dying to haemorrhage money straight from the get-go you’ll need to pace yourself with your cycling gear. It can be a never-ending vortex of spending...if you allow it.


A good bike, a good pair of knicks and a good pair of gloves should be all you need to get a solid start in cycling.


So, good luck and keep at it. Find yourself a local cycling group and join up. It's the best way to keep involved.


Flick me a line if you have any questions or comments. I’d love to hear from you!


Kate x

Kate Hewett
Kate Hewett

Also in Dink Design


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